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Sea Dogs: To Each His Own (Prophet)

Sea Dogs: To Each His Own is set in 1654 in the Caribbean. You take the role of a young French nobleman by the name of Charles de Maure, who arrives in the New World in order to assist his older brother who has been imprisoned on the small island Martinique. What seems to be a simple matter of redeem the family name, turns out to be the beginning of an unexpected new life for Charles. The life of a captain, a swashbuckler, a trader, whatever he desires it to be.

To Each His Own is the fifth installment in the Корсары/Corsairs/Sea Dogs series, following the fourth game Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships in 2009. This game was first released as a Russian version in 2012 and the English version four years later in 2016. It features the same game mechanics as its predecessors, which are reminiscent of the basic features of the classic Pirates! by Sid Meier: sailing through the Caribbean with your ship and going ashore on numerous islands in the Caribbean. The main aspect that sets this series apart from Pirates! is the ability to roam around the different islands on foot in a third-person perspective.

While on land, you are able to enter various locations such as taverns, stores, shipyards and the governor's mansions. You can also exit the city gates and explore the island itself, wander through jungles, find pirate nests, lighthouses, different small beaches, and plenty of other locations. You encounter many different people who might just give you precious information or missions. When you obtain a ship, you can hire a crew, a navigator, equip it with the neccessary weaponry and supplies and set sail. Sailing is done in an overhead perspective, but you have the ability to enter real-time mode at any time. You can also walk through the ship the same way you walk on the different islands. Naval battles are also a major part of any Sea Dogs game. When boarding enemy ships, the game switches back to the walking perspective, so you can fight the enemy sailors with swords and guns and loot the ship, eventually reaching the captain's quarters and defeating him. Defeated ships can then be either added to your own fleet or pillaged and sunk to the bottom of the ocean.
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Release Date : Feb 12, 2016
Publisher : Akella
Developer : BlackMark Studio
Genre : Role-Playing
FIle Size : 5.0 GB

Sea Dogs: To each His Own System Requirements (Minimum)
CPU : Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon 2.0 GHz
GPU : 128 MB Video Card
RAM : 1 GB
Direct X : DX 9
HDD Space : 12 GB


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